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Why Posture Matters? RSS

Wolff's Law: How To Ensure A Healthy Future For Your Bones

Did you know that our bones are so much smarter than we give them credit for? We all know that our bodies are constantly adapting to our surroundings, but just how much do our bones adapt and what kind of impact can that have on our future? Julius Wolff, a German anatomist and surgeon in the 1800s, proposed the theory that bone adapts to the repetitive stresses it is subjected to. He postulated that whatever continuous strain we endure, our bones will remodel themselves to make them more resistant to similar loads in future. This theory is called Wolff’s Law. As cool as it sounds that your bones adapt to make life easier, it also means that you have to...

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Can Good Posture Improve Work Efficiency?

“Stand up straight, shoulders back, head high!” - A common command we always heard growing upright? Although at the time it may have seemed like nagging, turns out, our parents and teachers had actually been onto something all along! We all know that sitting and standing up straight can make us look and feel a whole lot better, but did you know it can actually help our concentration too? Everyone’s had those days when working at a desk can feel like an endless battle. Sometimes we don’t even have a desk at all and we’re curled up on a bed or sitting hunched over on a couch. We push through the hours but our posture gets worse and our productivity...

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